Worship Ministries



The Acolytes perform many tasks as they help other lay people and clergy at services. They are responsible for lighting and extinguishing the candles and leading the procession into and out of the church. Acolytes are part of the Gospel procession, carrying torches and holding the Gospel book for the Celebrant and/or Deacon. They participate actively in the service by singing hymns, saying the prayers and giving responses, and are responsible for knowing the order of worship. At the offering they assist the Celebrant as well as assisting during the Eucharist. Acolytes at St. Peter's have a long tradition of excellence, discipline and dignity and are striving to maintain those high standards.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a dedicated, joyful organization of St. Peter's parish and a vital part of its life, working behind the scenes in order that to God be the glory.

Their purpose is to serve the Lord by caring for the vessels, linens, and vestments used at the Eucharist as well as providing the wine and wafers. They also arrange flowers for the altars, clean all sanctuaries and care for the candles. The Altar Guild decorates the church at Christmas and Easter to celebrate the holiness of these days. Funds are acquired from the flower memorials and thanksgivings, sanctuary lamp offerings, a portion of the All Souls Day prayer request offerings and weddings.

They will continue to serve being good stewards of their treasury while maintaining the beauty of the sanctuaries. Their goal, as always, is to serve God in His house under the direction of the clergy.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are a dedicated
group of licensed lay people that assist the clergy by reading the lessons, leading the Prayers of the People and serving the chalice.

Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors are a specially trained group of lay people who are licensed to take Holy Communion from parish celebrations to homes, nursing homes, and hospital rooms when parishioners are not able to be physically present in church.

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