The Sixteenth Sunday after
Proper 18/ Year B
September 8, 2024
— Parish Notices —
You are invited to join us today for Coffee-hour served in the Lounge, immediately following the service. Our hosts today are members of the ministry of the Farm.
We move to our Regular Schedule Today. Services will be in the Church, beginning at 10AM.
The Altar Guild will have their Fall Meeting today in the Lounge at 9AM. Service as a member of the Altar Guild and Flower Committee is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the liturgical life of St. Peter’s. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Next Sunday, 15 September, there will be a special coffee hour, hosted by the ECW and the Parish Choir to celebrate the ministry of Mark Engelhardt.
Episcopal Church Women’s “Welcome Back” meeting Tuesday, 17 September, 11:30 am, in the Lounge. Please bring a sandwicdh for your lunch; tea/coffee and dessert will be provided. All ladies of the parish invited. For further information, please call Joan Derle. (631-499-8234).
Bible study continues in the Lounge on Thursdays at 10:00 am. All are invited!
More volunteers are needed to staff our thriving Thrift Store. We also need volunteers to weed the garden in the Garth. Please speak with Brian if you are interested.
Parishioners and guests are requested to NOT bring food or drink
into the worship spaces (Church and Chapel) at St. Peter’s. Thanks!
Parish Office is open Tuesday through Thursday 9:00 am until 1:30 pm.
The Thrift Store is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10am until 2pm.
The Food Pantry is open Saturdays from 11am to 1:30pm.
A warm welcome will greet you at St. Peter's!
St. Peter's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church
500 South Country Road
Bay Shore, NY 11706
Phone: 631-665-0051
Fax: 631-665-0052
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